God, Scripture, and Spiritual things are unique, and to some extent even, not of this Earth.  So it’s not surprising that uncommon words would be necessary to discuss and describe these matters.  What is important, is that the meanings of these words, are clear and understood.  Otherwise, discussions and explanations about extremely important matters, could be misinterpreted or worse yet, viewed as gibberish.  Use these definitions to help put things into perspective, and to help understand many of the complex concepts that pertain to God, Scripture, and Spiritual matters.


The forgiveness of sin, brought about through Confession.

Age to Come

The current Age can be defined as the period of time since the creation of the earth, until the earth is destroyed.  The Age to Come will begin when God creates a new Heaven and Earth.

Anointing  (from God)

To dedicate to the service of God.  When God chooses someone to serve Him, as with a Prophet, God places an anointing on that person.

Anointing  (from Man)

In religious ceremonies, the act of applying oil to someone or something, as a sign of consecration or sanctification.

Atonement — Atone

An act that brings about forgiveness or redemption.  More specifically, some type of action or sacrifice, to satisfy a debt that was created by a wrong doing, crime, or sin.  In a word, Justice.


Persons who are fully convinced of the deity of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Bible/Scripture/Word of God

Scripture, the Bible, and the Word of God, are all one and the same.  They are written testimony of Man’s interactions with God.  Either as a written account of what someone did, saw, or heard from God.  Or a written record of a message which God gave to Mankind through one of His prophets.


The admission and recital, to another person or spirit, of one’s guilt, sin, or misdeeds.


An agreement between two or more parties, whereby each promises to carry out certain responsibilities.  Similar to a contract.


God.  The Supreme Being.  Having a divine character or nature.

Deliverance — Delivered

Another way of expressing Redemption or being Redeemed.


Something that will benefit, enlighten or uplift a person, morally or spiritually.

End of Days

The period of time between the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the Age To Come.

Eternal Life

A renewed life, after death on earth, that never ends.


Belief, Confidence, and Trust in someone or something, to be or do, without the absolute proof to back it up.  The opposite of doubt.


A place of unknown location, where God, Angels, and spiritual beings dwell.


God is Holy, meaning God is the perfect being.  God is without sin and is of perfect moral character.  In Man, Holiness is our imperfect attempt to emulate God’s Holiness, and is a work of gradual development.

Holy Spirit

The Spirit of God.


The descendents of Abraham.  God made a covenant with Abraham to bless and protect Abraham’s descendents, and take special care of them.  They became known as God’s Chosen People.

Judgment — Judgment Day

An event which will take place after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, when God and those He assigns, will Judge each person to determine their future.


The result of Redemption.  When a person has been Redeemed, they become Justified.

Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are one and the same.  It consists of all those who submit themselves to the will of God.

Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God are one and the same.  It consists of all those who submit themselves to the will of God.


One class of Jewish religious leaders, during the time of Jesus Christ.

Prophecy — Prophet

Prophecy is a message given by God, to one man chosen by God, called a Prophet.  The Prophet then relays that message to mankind.  Prophecy sometimes contains information about future events, but not necessarily.

Redemption — Redeem

Redemption is actually the result of Atonement.  When an action or sacrifice is made to Atone for one’s guilt, that person is Redeemed or has received Redemption.

Repentance — Repent

The act of coming to grips with one’s sinful past, to the point of sincerely regretting past sins, combined with an earnest commitment to following God’s will in the future.


The act of rising from the dead, either in this life or at the End of Days.


A quality one possesses or achieves by following the will of God, and refraining from sinful behavior.


One class of Jewish religious leaders, during the time of Jesus.


Salvation is the state of being saved from destruction.  Based on the New Covenant between God and Man, Salvation includes the promise of a life after death, and Eternal Life with God.


A state of being set apart and purified, clean, free from sin.

Scripture/Bible/Word of God

Scripture, the Bible, and the Word of God, are all one and the same.  They are written testimony of Man’s interactions with God.  Either as a written account of what someone did, saw, or heard from God.  Or a written record of a message which God gave to Mankind through one of His prophets.

Second Coming

God came to Earth roughly 2000 years ago, in the form of Jesus Christ.  Jesus died, was buried, was raised from the dead by the Father, and ascended back to Heaven.  One day in the future, at a time that no one knows, Jesus will return to the Earth.  That event is known as the Second Coming.


God gave us His Law, in the 10 Commandments.  At the same time, in the book of Exodus, God elaborated on these Commandments, explaining in great detail, how to apply them, how to behave, and how to conduct one’s self.  Sin is the willful breaking of any part of God’s Law.

Word of God/Bible/Scripture

Scripture, the Bible, and the Word of God, are all one and the same.  They are written testimony of Man’s interactions with God.  Either as a written account of what someone did, saw, or heard from God.  Or a written record of a message which God gave to Mankind through one of His prophets.

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